What Cancer is Teaching Me About Prayers

I want to share something very deep and beautiful for me about my beautifully loving community:
I am humbled, and grateful, and fully receiving...every time one of you tells me you are praying for me while I move through this cancer journey. It's not easy. And every time I get together with you in a session or a Zoom, something magical happens.
I forget there is something going on in my body that has been taking up a lot of my energy and time. I forget about pain and side effects of the chemotherapy pills and the hormone medicine I am taking. I forget about the fear that creeps in if I get tired or out of sync with God and myself. I just get to be in the light, with you. On Thursdays, on Wednesdays, on other days. It's remarkable.
Frankly, I wouldn't really want to go through this any other way. Or if I did it would have to be a way that helps me keep the lights on so bright, like this. Otherwise, it would be so very little fun.
I am learning the full potential of the saying, Let go and let God. I've not been very good at that in the past. But it's really the only option. To know in my heart that I am being restored through a divine combination of medicine, spirit, prayers, laughter, hope, courage....all the things.
And so I thank you because so many of you who will read this have made an instrumental impact on my wellbeing and I want you to know that I know this. May you all be fully blessed in this moment and beyond. And may we all continue to keep the lights on for, and with, and because of...each other and that indomitable spirit that loves us so very, very much.
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