I just felt the veil so thin

I recently spent a very lovely and peaceful long weekend with my mom and some aunts and uncles in Kansas City. I grew up visiting these relatives at least once and often twice a year. It was a safe haven and a place I dearly loved to visit for the fun with cousins and the neighbors’ swimming pools in the summer. I’ve spent more Christmases with these families than not, even while my littles were growing up—and I got to take my daughters back this Christmas, too.

The new reality is that everyone is aging. And what happened was that I got to simmer in the love and wonder of this phase of life. This is one more way I am being shown the inevitability of dying, and also the way our lives have their processes. This stage is one of the things we come here for. Even as these beloveds laugh about growing old and talk about ailments and have faced some very serious things…they’re in such high spirits when we’re together and I’m so grateful I can make these little visits to be with them. We never really know what the future holds and so we just keep going along the path, is how I experience it now.

So here is the mystical part of this story:

If you’ve ever watched the movie Astral City (highly recommend), you’ll recall the scenes of souls (i.e. us) in the in-between human lives, sitting around a table as family.

I experienced this etherial version of us the other day. And it's because we were in such an incredibly high vibration. They very enthusiastically took me to one of their favorite places which is a country diner I’d always heard about. It's the kind with chicken fried steak and catfish which unfortunately is no longer on my diet--but oh how I love that food.  

And as I sat there with them, I just felt the veil so thin. In this family we’ve all been through a lot; and, there has been a whole lot of forgiveness. Now, all the things that have happened don’t even matter. 

But on this day, I so tangibly felt the feeling of how it may be one day again when we are our eternal selves sitting around a different kind of table, not in human bodies, communing together and laughing about the times we had on earth. It was so strange, and also, completely comforting. 

I think the biggest gift for me is that we aren't waiting until we pass for those old judgments and dalliances with shadow to be reconciled. Somehow, it's just over, and I actually get to honor my own self for the role I have played because somehow, in a big way, all the work I have done in myself really matters, through more than just me in this family. I’ve become free of the past, and somehow that is giving others freedom even simply through grace--and this is a gift beyond what I could have imagined. It’s peace, and loving emotion at these tender moments that may be waning. It’s just so beautiful and perfect. And I don’t think I have ever felt this way where I experienced us all in that liminal space between worlds, or realities. But I suspect much more of this kind of experience is in our future.

I don’t know what comes after these lives. But I think I've just experienced a glimpse of it, and that this is partly what it means to be co-creating heaven right here on earth.

Mainly I'm also here to say that our soul work...it really matters. And it matters beyond what we can imagine. I never thought that this would be one of the ways it plays out. But what a gift. 

I pray this for all of us: to come to a place of peace and closure within ourselves and be pure in freedom. That old baggage—if you ask me—it steals away the precious moments, and I'm not doing that anymore. I've intended to live in peace, and that's a tremendous inside job. But how it's rolling out....well...I am so excited for how it manifests in even more profound and surprising ways. 

However it goes, however it looks...here’s to the co-creation of heaven on earth. We create it inside. And then the outside responds.

With love and peace,



If you’ve got things to leave behind, maybe it’s a good time for a deep dive session, and if so I’d love to see you for that.


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