"If it is to be, it's up to me."

If you're like me you've been through some growth in the past year. Am I right or what? Seems to move so quickly now.

While I've been getting messages like the title of this blog for years, I was struck just a few months ago when I literally got the visual of this quote in my third eye: "If it is to be, it's up to me." My guides knew to give me that quote specifically because my mom actually had it hanging on our kitchen wall while I was growing up.

Prior to receiving this message, I’d had a whole lot of confusion in my head about how to work with Spirit in certain ways on certain issues. The strange thing is, I’ve been shown many ways of co-creation, and even taught them to some of you.  But in certain aspects of my life, I'd still been focusing on the wrong things. I still had a mindset that was not helping me (partially because of severe trauma responses.) Despite having had so much help from various earth and etherial angels, I couldn’t get it.

But alas...finally...what I was shown at last was that I really still had some very old programming (beliefs) running through my head that kept making me hit a brick wall.

The solution? To finally—and radically—come out of victimhood. It was so subconscious that I didn't even realize where I was being a victim. (That kind of programming is very tricky.) But in a big and mostly subconscious way, I was being a victim to my circumstances and very much caught in a victim loop.

Interestingly, my number one gene key is #55, which has a shadow of victim and a light side of liberated. This means that my life’s work revolves around this topic.

Liberation is the very essence of sovereignty, which I teach all the time, but that old part of me was still stuck.

So through this revelation, I needed to see the final shreds of how victim consciousness was running my mind in a very big--and frankly dangerous--way. (I think this is going on in the collective a lot too. As global headlines continue to shock us, we’re either drawn into the drama and victimization of it all, or we choose not to be.) And, there’s always free will choice.

Once I became willing to face the issues at hand head on, things began to shift. My guides showed me that there were some pretty important areas in my life in which I did not have my own back. And they told me to look up the definition for: self determination.

Here’s how Merriam-Webster defines this: free choice of one's own acts or states without external compulsion.

This is seriously one of the most powerful lessons I've gotten in this life. Why? Because finally, at long last, once this level of self determination became known, I began to actually WANT my life back like I never had before. The victim role had made me like a wilted flower inside, and at certain times it was impossible to experience myself as the strong and independent woman that I am -- the sovereign one.

And now, since claiming this whole new level of self determination, the best things have been happening for me once again, in subtle and also big ways.

Because that part inside of me shifted and reprogrammed in a new way…my outer world also shifted and reprogrammed. 

This is why I teach people to work within their own cosmic Akashic Records. This level of reprogramming is possible there.

Lately my guides have been advising us to be aware of how quickly your outer world changes when your inner being shifts.

Are you experiencing this?

I am ever so grateful for this reminder.

And Here's a Question for Your Soul: Do you have a need for some radical self love through radical self determination? Think about it. Because radical healing, radical remission, radical self love, radical joy and peace....they all rely on us having our own backs, and taking charge of our own lives and paths. Nobody can do that for us. Not even our angel guides. They can help us along the way....but the manifestation is up to us. We've got to DECIDE to be sovereign, free, willing to do whatever it takes. And I think in the spiritual realm we sometimes forget this…like I subconsciously had…assuming the Universe will take care of everything. We have to play our part. And then Spirit meets us at the point of action. 

Co-creation starts with US taking the first step, and that’s why this motto If it is to be, it's up to me matters. When we take the reins, the benevolent Universe can start to assist us. But it doesn’t happen without conscious choosing, and starting to take actions in new ways.

Personally, I believe a big part of the radical awakening on this planet has to do with us one by one igniting our own freedom through self determination, and starting to choose that which sets us free rather than that which keeps us at the mercy of outside forces. And how we respond to global events is definitely part of this —whether we continue to see ourselves as helpless victims, or whether instead we choose to pursue peace, dreams and visions for the lives we want to live.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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