Cosmic Akashic Records: The Cosmic Book of You

I love teaching people to read into themselves, their lives, and their potentialities through the lens of the Akashic Records. It's one of my greatest joys, and if you've been in those places, you might say you find such freedom and a purity of light there that makes it so worth it.
And lately....especially since my recent voyage to Egypt last October...things have begun to change. I am learning through being shown by my guides that there's so much more than the classic purpose and even the classic definition of 'Akashic Records Mastery.'
Thanks to Edgar Cayce, Linda Howe and Dolores Cannon, we know that tapping into the realm of the Akashic Records allows us to funnel direct data from a vast energetic memory vault of the things, people, places, events in the Records. We can see it, assess it, understand ourselves through it, learn things about who we may have been to assist in the knowing of who we are.
But what I am being shown now is so much more vast than I could ever have imagined--even after having read and taught on this topic during the past decade.
Entering your own Akashic Records space, known as your Book of Life, gives you access to the unknown, yes. But you know what? It also grants you access to the realm of infinite potentiality. This is the place where heart and soul meet the Universe. It is within you....and it is in the cosmos. And it is a place that I believe humans are being shown to learn to access because it is so vast, informative, and mightily powerful.
Lately, T Council on Harmonization whom I channel has been showing us how to tap into the distinct microcosm that lies within us to access the vast Universe everywhere. It's even difficult to distinguish where it is. Is it 'out there'? Or inside of my cells and DNA? Or both? All? I'm settling on the answer of 'All.' It is certainly the realm of oneness. And the guides are also showing me very finite ways to solve problems whilst inside this realm. These are like precise mathematical equations that help you re-wire your brain and intuitive system circuitry based upon how you want to think, act, and behave moving forward. It is spectacular.
These are not new themes. The understanding of how we can re-wire our thoughts and thus affect our emotions is known and excitingly being explored by many leaders. What I think is exciting in my world is how I am seeing the quickening of the time it takes to identify a pattern, co-create a solution, and then set that solution in motion in your Akashic Records so that it permeates your energy field, wiring, cells and molecules, and thinking. It's literally assistive technology, energetically speaking, and as an energy engineer, it's so exciting to see how it plays out and how it can be used in readings and therapy sessions to expedite metamorphosis and transformation. It's almost like a behind-the-curtain understanding of what it takes to literally live as a phoenix, rising. Burning through the old, manifesting through the Akash, surfacing after having embraced a new choice point with your guides, and moving into enjoying a different way of being.
In summary, The Council is taking us to new heights in Cosmic understanding which I'm super thrilled about sharing, and can't wait to show even more ways to leverage your Akashic Records as an expanding and empowering the Universe of You.
So if you need to change something you don't like in your life, be willing to go into it. Be willing to be shown a new truth and potentiality. And be willing to ride a new wave into how it plays out in your life. This is powerful energy medicine. And it is sourced right within your Records.
To experience yourself through the light of your Cosmic Akashic Records, book a discovery call or a session with Suzanne Alexandria at: Book Suzanne
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