Watch Our Replay -- There's an Activation with Beloved Isisfor YOU from our 9/17/24 Beyond the Ordinary Call!


Watch the Replay

Book a Session with Suzanne using the $50 off Coupon from Patty McGuire's Love Train Interview! 

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Ignite Your Inner Goddess in Your Akashic Records.

Meet your Goddess essence in a brand new way. 

This free channeled transmission to connect you through a divinely guided energy activation with the Goddess Isis, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. Ignite a new spark. See what happens when you light that flame and know yourself a little deeper.

Receive This Free Gift Now

Suzanne's Weekly LIVE Masterclass Series: Thursdays w/ Spirit


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Master Your Psychic Ability to Read the Records with Confidence

Next Temple Doors Open July 24, 2024! 

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Learn a Brand New Reiki Symbol and Receive a  beautiful sound bath,  with messages from Ascended Master Kuan Yin.

Purchase Recording w/ Reiki Attunement -->

Learn Reiki to Fill Your Space with Peace, Light, & Comfort.

Reiki helps you center, ground, and stay in charge, in your space. So whether it's your home, office, bedroom, vacation home....learn the power of intentional energy setting of the space FOR you, BY you. Take this Masterclass and learn it all in just a few days.

Purchase this Masterclass -->

Free meditation:
Meet Your Guardian Angel.

Receive my free guided angelic meditation + attunement for your heart, body, and soul. It will help you open to a Love so grand it just might knock your socks off -- if you dare.

Open. Sit quietly. Earbuds in. No interruptions. Surrender. Receive. Now.

Connection. From the realm of the Angels. All here for you, beloved.


Open My Free Gift...Here for You, Right Now.

Your Guardian Angel wants to meet you. Are you willing to surrender to so much Love?

No Spam. Only Love.

If you want to understand your spiritual Self, psychic gifts & healer skills to be the best intuitive leader you can be, you're in the right place.

Professionals of many walks of life find me when they know there's something more they're 'supposed' to be doing...but aren't sure what that is.

You're in the right place if you're asking questions like this:

❧ Who am I? What were my past lives? Who is my Soul Family?

❧ What's my next best career move? 

❧ What motivates me?

❧ What's my passion?

❧ How do I stay calm and manage my own energy & energy in my office/home?

❧ How do I use energy + intuition in my therapy or coaching work?

❧ What am I really supposed to be doing next?

❧ Who are my angels and how do I communicate with them?

❧ How do I read the Akashic Records, and why?

Dig into these big soul alchemy questions so you can be the best leader, manager, owner, parent, lover, partner, friend you can be.

I teach intuition skills like how to understand your own energy, release blocks, & read tarot for life's choices. I also activate and teach you to work differently with clients, communicate with your angels, & more. These are innate skills all healer souls have...but  don't always know how to use them or how powerful they are.

My course helps you transcend your own fears, activate your superpowers, heal from the past & move into the rich realm of channeling and talking to your angels.

You don't have own a healing practice to be this kind of spiritually connected intuitive woman. My clientele powerfully rocks their corporate leadership, nursing, teacher, family roles & just life in general. This work is about living an intuitively rich AND free life, connecting deeply with the Divine, and experiencing the joy sacred, holy Love. Watching women blossom & understand themselves through my courses and one-on-one sessions is my greatest joy.


Healer's Healer & Executive's Intuitive,  Spiritual Coach for Powerful Professionals

Helping women & men activate & understand unique intuitive  abilities for business & life. Training healers, intuitives, nurses, therapists, coaches, authors, & business leaders around the world in clairvoyant skills, channeling, communicating with their Spirit teams, and collaborative manifestation.

Empowering clients to heal from brokenness and work with their spirit teams to co-create their most sacred lives. THIS is what freedom means to me. 

Teaching programs of deep soul healing & life coaching for divorcees, women w/ childhood rape trauma, recovery from narcissistic relationships, & releasing the stronghold of co-dependence and addictive behaviors.


Healer + Spiritual Coach for Powerful Women in Business

I help women activate + understand their unique soul-sourced healing + intuition gifts to use in corporate business & private healing, therapy & coaching practices around the world. 

Suzanne Alexandria Homepage

From Reiki to Akashic Records to personal soul clarity, I work directly with your angels to help you understand just exactly how amazing and bright you are. And I teach you how to do this for yourself, kids, & others if that's your gig. I'm not just another reader. I am a clairvoyant teacher, channel and guide and it's my greatest joy to help my clients do for themselves what they started out asking me to do. 


Akashic Records for Healers, Therapists, Intuitives, Professionals:

You are powerful beyond your wildest imaginings. Do you know that? 8 years ago I barely knew who I was. Through a failed marriage, the secrecy of awe-inspiring childhood trauma, breast cancer, solo raising 2 young girls, and severe anxiety...I crawled out. Something was way, way off inside of me. I had to heal. I had to expand. And as it turns out, I had to turn on my psychic healer gifts and learn to trust my loving angels in order to be the real, full-on ME.

Do you yearn to know a love so deep it rocks your world? Want to live as a fully spiritual/psychic woman or man in your everyday world? Then let's talk about my Wings of Isis Akashic Records Program for powerful, ambitious professionals. The world's waiting for you to speak your true voice and lead with your heart.

Won't you let Love set you free?

Set up a Session, Let's Work Together, and Let's Figure The Rest Out

How It

I use powerful healing skills to show you where & why you're blocked. This enables you to release your blocks & reprogram yourself with brand new thinking, energy, understanding, skills & habits. Trust me -- magical things happen when you break free of old ways, allowing Spirit to show you entirely new parts of yourself. If you're unclear who you are or where to go next, apply for my self mastery program & let's start getting you all cleared up--me, you, your sacred heart, & your loving angel team. 

Are you ready? Arrange a free call ➔
Healer, Psychic Intuitive, Teacher, Reader.
Reiki Expert, Mom of 2 very independent young women.
Corporate Manager, Beach LOVER. And I do mean lover.

Suzanne Alexandria:
Healer's Healer, Angelic  Channel, Spiritual Coach.


My mission is to guide and empower women to the same freedom that enabled me to supercharge my intuition, trust God, Spirit, and Myself, and use my deepest soul connection. I will guide you with passion, Source light, divine love, and grace to help you see, trust, & believe how beautifully powerful you really are. You were born to live wildly free and abundant. I know this now. You were born for glory. Are you ready to be that?

Well then, let's talk.


"Run, don't walk, to work with Suzanne."

-Molly A.

"I felt so good after our session yesterday! It was amazing the shift I felt! I even fell asleep without taking any Unisom, which I haven't been able to do since I lost my job last August!!! I woke up before my alarm this morning. I did the Reiki stuff right after, opened my eyes after finishing, and my cat was calmly sitting right in front of me. I didn't even know she was there!! Lol!"

Kate Hale
Sr. Operations Manager

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